1987 Annual Meeting Minutes
The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order by the President, Mr. Bernie Carpenter, at 8:10 PM at the Oak View Elementary School. There were 17 members present.
The annual Treasurer's Report was presented by Mr. Jerry Jones. A correction was made for an expense of $20, which had been included under Neighborhood Watch Equipment which should have been entered under Tot Lot Repair/Maintenance. A question was raised about how many families had not yet paid their annual dues for 1987. Mr. Jones reported that there were approximately twenty 1987 membership dues remaining outstanding and that he would be notifying those families within the next few weeks to remind them of their obligations. After motion and second to accept the annual Treasurer's Report as amended, the report was accepted.
Mr. Rick Cary reported on the success of the Neighborhood Watch program. Since its initiation in November 1986, reports of vandalism and disturbances have markedly decreased. Discussion of youngsters using a path between Headly Ct and the Kings Park West town houses took place, with Mr. Carpenter noting that the police could take little action unless there was trespass on private property. He appealed to parents to encourage the youngsters to refrain from using that path. Mr. Carpenter also talked about the practicality of keeping garage doors closed, noting the theft of a bicycle from his home. Mr. Cary encouraged broader participation in the Neighborhood Watch program.
Mr. James Cloore reported on activities of the Architecture Committee, noting that a few fences and decks had been installed during the past year without required notice to the committee. A member suggested that the Association determine if applications for Fairfax County building licenses could include a coordination block for local civic association architecture committees or boards. A publicity letter was also suggested as a means to assure that homeowners are aware of their obligations. The President asked for volunteers for the Architecture Committee and Mr. Lee Entas, Mr. Al Anderson, and Mrs. Mary Cary graciously responded.
The election of new Board members then took place to replace Mr. Bob Billet and Mrs. Helen Rosengarten, whose terms had expired. Mr. Bob Billet and Mr. Al Anderson were elected for the three year terms.
Under new business, the President appointed a member to conduct a review of liability insurance carried by the Association.
Mr. Carpenter next noted that the bylaws for the association needed to be updated and that action should be taken to assure that all families get copies. He accepted a gracious offer from a member to put the bylaws on a work processor to facilitate the updating. Copies of the bylaws will be distributed to homeowners within a few weeks.
Some discussions took place on whether notice for annual meetings should be distributed personally or by mail or both. No resolution was reached.
Mr. Cary noted that portions of the pathway through the common grounds was in need of repair. One swing in the Tot Lot playground was also in need of repair. The Architecture Committee was asked to take necessary action to effect repairs, not to exceed $200.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bernie Carpenter
President, West Park Community Association
Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 13 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.