1989 Annual Meeting Minutes
The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order by the President, Mr. Rick Cary, at 7:30 PM at the Oak View Elementary School. There were 32 members present.
After words of welcome to one of the largest turnouts in recent years, the Association voted on filling the Secretary and Treasurer positions on the Board. There were no nominees for the position of Secretary. Mr. Cary noted that the proposed By Laws provide for such a vacancy to be filled via appointment by the President, a measure that he would take to ensure that the position is filled. Mr. Jerry Jones was elected Treasurer.
The annual Financial Report was presented by Mr. Jones. He reported that all families were current in payment of their annual dues for 1989. After motion and second to accept the annual Financial Report, the report was accepted.
A member reported on the progress of the Neighborhood Watch program. Reports of vandalism and disturbances remain very low, and participation in the program has increased to the point that individuals are walking watches now about every eleven to twelve weeks. The member appealed for even broader participation in the Neighborhood Watch program, noting that if we could get one member from each family that duties would be required about every five to six months.
A member reported on the county's Gypsy Moth program, noting that 38 reporting forms were provided by WPCA residents to the county this year. A county inspector has inspected our area and will inform us by February of the county's decision concerning spraying next Spring. The inspector has advised that there are many highly infested areas competing for county resources and suggested that our association coordinate with adjoining neighborhoods to see if it would be economical to procure praying on our own. Mr. Cary will look into that.
Mr. Cary also reported on considerations for installing a light in the wooded park area. He had pursued the matter with the county and found that the county would not install a light. A member is checking on alternatives.
The board made two proposals for changes to the Constitution, which can only be changed with two-thirds vote of the membership. The President explained the purpose for each of the proposed changes: the first, to simplify the provisions for length of terms for Board members, and the second, to clarify the limits of indebtedness or liability that the Association can incur. Amendment one, which provides for uniform one year terms for Board members and designates positions for each member, passed by a vote of 55 yeas, including proxies. There was considerable discussion on amendment two, particularly concerning the interpretation of the term "indebtedness." It was made clear to all attending that the intent of the amendment is to allow the Association to budget in any given year up to the amount that it has available in its account, but not to spend more that we have. There also was discussion concerning limits on expenditures under provisions of the proposed By Laws. It was noted that the proposed By Laws provisions pertain to "non-budgeted" items, whereas the Constitution addresses budget limits. Amendment two was passed by a vote of 52 yeas, including proxies.
The Association then took up the issue about raising annual dues from $24 per year to $30 per year to cover increased operating costs and to provide for more responsive maintenance. A member raised the point that the proposed budget, which contained a large item for paving the park path, appeared to be an anomaly and was insufficient reason to increase the annual dues. He further pointed out, however, that the Association needs to spread maintenance needs out on a regular basis and not wait for things to become big problems. The proposal to raise annual dues to $30 per year then passed.
The annual budget was the next item of new business. Mr. Cary noted that the park path was again in need of repair and that the association needed to take responsive action before someone gets hurt. He reported that the Board had solicited and reviewed bids for laying blacktop along the park path as a means for more permanent repair. This was the most expensive item in the proposed budget at $6900. A member raised a point about several trees that needed to be trimmed or removed from the common ground. The proposed budget was amended to add $800 for such trimming and removal, with a provision that proceeds from sale of firewood be use to offset the costs and be returned to the treasury. The budget, as amended, was passed. A member asked that the Board withhold award of the contract for paving the park path for a few days while he could check for an alternative bidder. The President agreed to do so.
The final item of new business addressed acceptance of proposed By Laws for the Association [text not on file]. The By Laws, which are the operating guidelines for the Association, were adapted from similar guidance governing the Kings Park West Civic Association. The Association then voted to accept the proposed By Laws.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Rick Cary
President, West Park Community Association
Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 13 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.