1991 Annual Meeting Minutes
The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 7:40 PM on October 15, 1991 by President Rick Cary. There were 13 members present. The Board of Directors was introduced by Rick Cary.
Minutes from the 1990 Annual Meeting were read and approved as read. Rick Cary reported that the cost of a street lamp in the tot area was approximately $5,000. Also, the problem of rental homes becoming frat houses was mentioned in the quarterly bulletin.
The Treasurer's Report was presented by Vern Luke. At this time only two homeowners have not paid their annual assessment. Rick Cary will handle this.
The election of Board Members/Officers yielded these results:
Rick Cary, President
Jim Emery, Vice President
Barbara Barringer, Secretary
Vern Luke, Treasurer
Danny Barr, Member-at-Large
Discussion of the proposed budget:
Insurance $750
Playground $150
Neighborhood Watch $50
Corporation Fees $30
Administration Costs $150
Common Area Maintenance $600
Some of the Common Area Maintenance money could be used to hire a landscape service. A suggestion was made to add an adult-sized swing in the playground. Money also needs to build up to cover the cost of repaving the path in about 2 years. The poison ivy near the path needs to be controlled. The budget was approved.
The anticipated problem of overflow student parking due to the $100 student parking fee has not materialized as of yet. Perhaps as more sophomores get their driver's licenses problems may occur. The Association still supports the student protest.
A member representing Neighborhood Watch reported many new instances recently...auto tampering, windows broken, bicycles stolen. This information will be reported in a neighborhood flyer, along with encouragement to always report all instances to the police. Also, a reminder that sidewalks must be shoveled will be included in this flyer.
Vern Luke mentioned that the pipestem accounts (which are presently included in the general KPWCA account) mandated by our Bylaws are a bookkeeping nightmare. The accounts are relatively small and would not cover any major pipestem maintenance, but must be kept unless a quorum of members votes to change the bylaws. In order to facilitate bookkeeping, Vern will place the Headly Pipestem Account and the Stallworth Pipestem Account into 2 separate savings accounts, apart from the general KPWCA account.
An Architectural Covenant Committee was formed. Members are Bernie Carpenter, Ken Burns, and Paula Murphy. This committee is responsible for seeing that members uphold the covenants with respect to property appearance.
Paula Murphy thanked Rick Cary for keeping the nonresident members informed and also expressed her appreciation for his help with her son's Boy Scout project.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Barringer
Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 12 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.