1992 Annual Meeting Minutes
The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 7:10 PM on November 5, 1992 by President Rick Cary. There were 10 members present.
Minutes from the 1991 Annual Meeting were read by Barbara Barringer. Two items of discussion followed:
- A street lamp in the tot area was not purchased as the $5,000 cost was too steep for our budget.
- The 2 separate pipestem accounts have been established.
The Minutes were approved as read.
The Financial Report was presented by Vern Luke. Two items of discussion followed:
- A new income category of "Owner's Packets" was established this year. The charge for each packet is $7.50 if picked up, or $10.00 if mailed. These packets must be provided at a real estate closing by the seller. Also, homeowners can purchase a packet for their tenant(s).
- The Bank Service Charge which appears on the Financial Report is an erroneous chage which sould not be applied to our homeowners account (a not-for-profit organization account). The bank mistakenly labeled our account a business account. Mr. Luke is working with the bank manager to get this mistake corrected and the money credited.
No nominations were make [sic] or volunteers forthcoming for the 1992-1993 election of officers and board member. Therefore, Mr. Cary reappointed the present Board of Directors.
Rick Cary, President
Jim Emery, Vice President
Barbara Barringer, Secretary
Vern Luke, Treasurer
Danny Barr, Member-at-Large
Members present unanimously signified approval by acclamation.
Discussion of the proposed budget:
Insurance $750
Playground $150
Neighborhood Watch $50
Corporation Fees $30
Administration Costs $150
Common Area Maintenance $600
Total Budget $1730
A question was raised as to what kind of support West Park gets from the Kings Park West Neighborhood Watch. Mr. Cary responded that we are a sibsidiary...their vehicles do occasionally patrol our area. Mr. Cary started the West park Neighborhood Watch about 6 years ago in order to provide our area more frequent patrols.
Another question was raised about the possibility of creek clean-up as an Eagle Scout project. A member will make the suggestion to the appropriate people.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the budget. The motion passed.
A member reported on the Fairfax Arts Coalition for Education. This group is working to get the County to release funds to fill the $20 million deficit in the school budget. This deficit would mean cutting such programs as: the 7-period day, the elementary arts and music programs, and the county science fair. The member suggested that homeowners write letters to Sharon Boulova asking her support. Mr. Cary will sign a letter communicating WPCA support and will also publicize the efforts of this Coalition in the next newsletter.
The problem of Robinson High School students parking on Stallworth Ct. was brought up by two members. Homeowners can call the police if a car is parked closer than 10 feet from a mailbox or driveway. An incident of reckless driving involving 2 students' cars has already been reported to the police.
A member reminded everyone that the Kings Park West Community Association Membership Drive ends this week (November 7, 1992). The membership fee, which is voluntary, goes to support the directory, the newsletter, Neighborhood Watch, etc.
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Barringer
Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 12 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.