1997 Annual Meeting Minutes

The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 8:07 PM on 13 November 1997 by President Jim Emery. There were 11 members present.

Minutes from the 1996 Annual Meeting were read and approved as corrected.


The Treasurer's Report was presented by Pandu Balaram. Discussion followed:

  • Explanation of "Home Owner Association Handbook Sale" ...if seller of KPW property does not have the Association Handbook to pass to the buyer, one can be purchased from the Association for $7.50 each.
  • All dues and past due dues have been collected to date.
  • Money set aside in the 1996-1997 Budget (for Common Area Maintenance) will be used for removal of dead tree...see New Business.
  • 1997-1998 Dues will be due on January 31, 1998...see New Business.

The Treasurer's report was accepted as presented.


Nominations for the 1997-1998 Board of Directors were opened. Barbara Barringer was nominated for the office of Secretary. No other nominations were forthcoming. Therefore the remaining members of the existing board were nominated. The 1997-1998 Board of Directors was approved unanimously.

Jim Emery, President
Rick Cary, Vice President
Barbara Barringer, Secretary
Pandu Balaram, Treasurer
Danny Barr, Member-at-Large


I. Playground/Common Area issues were discussed:

  • vandalism has occurred: paint on picnic table, swings broken, cans & bottles left on ground
  • grass/weeds have become overgrown
  • remove playground equipment for one-time charge vs. continuing maintenance costs
  • the path is used and enjoyed
  • replace equipment with newer, hire landscape architect to redesign
  • is playground being used by KPW families/children or for teen "drinking" activities?
  • a large, dead tree needs to be removed
  • the playground is a neighborhood resource worth keeping

The discussion resulted in the following consensus: The Common Area/Playground will be maintained by a contractor during the summer months of 1998. A member will solicit bids for the repairs to the playground equipment, and grounds maintenance (mowing, weed control, mulching). The path will need repaving, but members present agreed that could be put off for one more year. At the 1998 Association Meeting, maintenance & repair of the playground and path will be re-evaluated.

II. The Proposed 1997-1998 Budget was discussed:
Insurance $750
Playground Maintenance $500
Corporation Fees $30
Administrative Costs $150
Common Area Maintenance $2000

The [sic] previously discussed, repairs and maintenance of the Playground/Common Area will be covered by the $2500 budgeted. Removal of the dead tree will be paid for from funds budgeted in the 1996-1997 Budget. (A surplus exists thanks to an Eagle scout project which saved expenditures from the Common Area Maintenance budget line.)

The Proposed 1997-1998 Budget was approved. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed to change the dues due-date to the last day of January. Dues for 1998 will be due on January 31, 1998.

III. Weed Control/Property Appearance

Several residents are allowing weeds to grow in the cracks of sidewalks and pipestems. This causes break up of the concrete. All neighbors are reminded to be aware and use weed killer as appropriate to deter this damage to the paved areas of our neighborhood.

Concern was also expressed about the unkempt appearance of a yard in our neighborhood. An investigation into the County ordinances and our own KPW covenants has been initiated in an attempt to resolve this situation.

IV. Neighborhood Watch

At this time, no apparent need has been seen to restart the Neighborhood Watch program. If any neighbors are concerned they are asked to contact a board member.

A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Barringer

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 12 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.