1998 Annual Meeting Minutes

The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 7:40PM on 5 November 1998 by President Jim Emery. There were 14 members present.

Minutes from the November 1997 Annual Meeting and Minutes from the February 1998 Board Meeting were read by Barbara Barringer and accepted.


The Treasurer's Report for 1998 was presented by Pandu Balaram and accepted.


Playground and Common Area Maintenance:
Shari Emery reported dissatisfaction with the current yard-service contractor. Bids have been requested from other contractors. Vandalism in the playground area has resulted in the lost of all of the new swing seats. Estimated replacement cost is $150. The bench has been repaired. The path will hold up for at least another year. At last year's Annual Meeting, it was agreed that continuing maintenance of the Playground/Common Area would be re-evaluated at this year's meeting. The consensus among members was that maintenance should be continued. Families are using the area and its availability is a positive factor in our community's desirability. A suggestion was made that bushes in the Common Area be trimmed so that homes overlooking the Playground would have an unobstructed view. This might deter vandalism. It was also reported that if persons suspected of being school age were seen loitering in the Common Area during school hours, a phone call to Robinson High School would result in someone coming to investigate.


1999 Budget:
After discussion of the difference between "Playground Maintenance" and "Common Area Maintenance", Pandu Balaram presented the Proposed 1999 Budget as follows: Insurance $750, Playground Maintenance 500, Corporation Fees 30, Administrative Costs 150, Common Area Maintenance 1500, TOTAL 2930.

The 1999 Proposed Budget was accepted. The 1999 Dues will be due on January 31, 1999. No increase in dues amount is needed.

Nominations for 1998-1999 Board of Directors:

Pandu Balaram, President
Karl Kraus, Vice President
Barbara Barringer, Secretary
Kara Altshuler, Treasurer
Shari Emery, Member-at-Large

The nominated board members were elected by unanimous vote of all members attending.

Architectural Control Committee:
It was determined that Ken Burns may be the only remaining member of a previously appointed Architectural Control Committee. Our covenants do provide for such a committee. However, the neighborhood has done a good job of maintaining an attractive appearance so the committee has become inactive. A rotting piece of furniture in front of a garage was mentioned as a problem that could use correcting. No determination was made on reactivating the Committee.

The motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Barringer

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 1 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.