1999 Annual Meeting Minutes

The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 7:35PM on 12 October 1999 by President Pandu Balaram. There were 14 members present.

Minutes from the November 1998 Annual Meeting were read by Barbara Barringer and accepted. Previous minutes were reviewed to clarify a question about the boarding house on Stallworth Court. Discussion followed about assistance available through Sharon Bulova's office with zoning concerns/nuisance complaints.


The Treasurer's Report for 1998 was presented by Kara Altshuler and accepted. Discussion about delinquent dues was held for new business.


Playground and Common Area Maintenance:
A special THANK YOU to neighbors for taking the initiative to fix broken playground equipment using their own tools and funds. Our contract with Mr. Stanley has resulted in satisfactory upkeep of the Common Area along the paved walkways. The playground equipment is in good repair.


2000 Budget:
No changes were needed or major expenditures anticipated for the year 2000 budget. Therefore the budget plan remains as before: Insurance $750, Playground Maintenance 500, Corporation Fees 30, Administrative Costs 150, Common Area Maintenance 1500, TOTAL 2930.

The 2000 Proposed Budget was accepted. The 2000 Dues will be due on January 31, 1999. No increase in dues amount is needed.

Nominations for 1999-2000 Board of Directors:
The current board was nominated to continue another year and unanimously elected to do so for Year 2000.

Pandu Balaram, President
Karl Kraus, Vice President
Barbara Barringer, Secretary
Kara Altshuler, Treasurer
Shari Emery, Member-at-Large

The nominated board members were elected by unanimous vote of all members attending.

Delinquent Dues:
In the letter that was mailed to all homeowners announcing this Annual Meeting, the problem of unpaid assessments for the Year 1999 was addressed. Discussion concerning how to resolve this problem included these suggestions: (1) publishing the names of the delinquent homeowners and (2) enforcing the remedies available to the Association. It was noted that there are 2 such delinquencies on Sideburn Road and 5 on Stallworth Court. The Board will send Registered Letters informing the owners that the unpaid assessments plus all charges constitute a lien against their properties.

Common Area:
Pandu has received letters from homeowners concerned about individuals using the Common Area for private use, i.e. gardening, disposing of brush and grass-clippings, and dumping of trash. It was decided that the minutes would note these concerns, and hopefully, homeowners will be more cognizant of the impact of their actions. Neighbors who observe such incidents are asked to note all relevant information (who is doing what & when) and contact the Board.

Discussion followed about 2 Common Area trees that appear ready to fall on nearby homes. Shari Emery will call contractors for estimates to cut down and remove these trees.

Other suggestions for maintaining the appearance of our Common Area included:

(1) Community Clean-up Day followed by a Block Party

(2) Community service hours that could be earned by Robinson students for help in maintaining the Common Area

Community Appearance: (summary of discussion)
The Board has received complaints about unsightly yards (weeds, overgrown bushes and shrubs, decaying fruit that attracts wild animals), and overhanging branches that prevent safe sidewalk passage. A suggestion was made that the county be contacted about enforcing an ordinance that specifically addresses these types of negligence. Our community has generally maintained an attractive appearance, which not only shows thoughtfulness to our neighbors, but also keeps property values up. By noting this issue in the minutes, it is hoped that those who have not paid attention to the appearance of their home frontage will take some time and attend to it. Our neighbors appreciate cooperation in keeping an attractive, clean community.

Jim and Shari Emery attended one of the Fairfax County meetings and kindly passed on the information. The county advises residents to "prepare prudently" as for a 3-4 day storm and prepare now in October. The county reminded attendees that FCWA (water service) depends on VA Power.

Masonite class action suit:
The number for information is 1-800-330-2722.

Tour of Homes:
The idea of a neighborhood "Tour of Homes" was presented to display innovative renovation and decorating done by our neighbors. However, no plan on how to proceed in soliciting the "display homes" resulted. The discussion was tabled.

List of Contractors:
Barbara Barringer volunteered to keep an updated list of contractors used by neighbors in our community with appropriate comments. Karl Kraus volunteered to check with the Kings Park West Association to see if they still maintain a "Preferred contractors list".

Sidewalks and street lights:
Karl Kraus will contact Sharon Bulova's office about a sidewalk on Virginia Power's property at the corner of Sideburn & Braddock. In previous communication with Sharon Bulova's office, Karl was told that they would entertain a motion requesting that the county pave a sidewalk to connect the existing ones. Karl will also look into the Virginia Power's responsibility in the maintenance of their property.

A member mentioned the need for street lights at the intersection of Cascade and Roberts. Karl will check with Sharon Bulova's office about this also.

The motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Barringer

NOTE: The contractor has cut down the problem trees in the Common Area. The wood has been stacked and is available to homeowners. You can get to the wood by going down the main path and taking the first path to the right.

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 1 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.