2000 Annual Meeting Minutes

The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 7:35PM on 15 November 2000 by President Pandu Balaram. There were 15 members present.

Minutes from the November 1999 Annual Meeting were read by Barbara Barringer and accepted. Karl Kraus presented these updates: the sidewalk project will be finished within the year (as per Sharon Bulova's office); a streetlight has been installed at the corner of Cascade & Roberts Road.


The Treasurer's Report for 1999 was presented by Kara Altshuler and accepted. Discussion followed about the placing the reserve funds in a revenue-producing account. It was decided that the new treasurer should look into another option for this money, perhaps a money market checking account.


Confusion between Kings Park West Association (a civic organization) and West Park Community Association (our mandatory organization)
We, as a community and as good neighbors, must insure that new home-owners are cognizant that these two organizations exist side-by-side. The dues to the Kings Park West Association are voluntary and provide the Kings Park West telephone directory and the monthly newsletter. Our West Park Community Association was set up when our small section (Headly Ct., Stallworth Ct., and Sideburn Rd) of Kings Park West was built. Our dues are MANDATORY and go toward the expenses as noted on the Treasurer's Report. It was reported that this confusion has caused some upset when home-owners think they are paying the mandatory WPCA dues but are really paying the KPWA. The Board encourages all homeowners to consider joining the KPWA civic association.

Playground Landscaping
Our current contractor Blue Sky Landscaping is still doing a very good job. A large tree limb that hung over private property was removed.

Masonite Siding Class Action Suit
The correct phone number for applying for compensation is 1-800-330-2722.


Home Owner Packets
The current Bylaws & Covenants document needs review and updating. It needs to be republished once we are sure it meets current standards for homeowners associations. A member volunteered to look the bylaws and the one-time amendment from circa 1985, to gather as much historical information as possible before WPCA requests legal assistance. A motion was accepted to set aside $2,000 for legal review of our documents.

2001 Budget/Dues Increase:
The budget plan was presented by Kara Altshuler: Insurance 400, Common Area Maintenance 1500, Incorporation Fees 25, Administrative Costs 400, TOTAL $2325.

It was illustrated that expenditures will exceed revenue in 2001. Discussion about increasing dues was tabled until the reserve funds dip below $8,000. The 2001 Proposed Budget was accepted. 2001 Dues will be due on January 31, 2001.


The following were nominated, and unanimously elected for the Year 2001:

Karl Kraus, President
Harold Moses, Vice President
Mary Jo Yglesias, Secretary
Kim Bloomquist, Treasurer
Irene Pierce, Member-at-Large
Ken Burns, Architectural Committee Chairman

The motion to adjourn was made and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Barringer

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 1 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.