2002 Annual Meeting Minutes

The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 7:35PM on 24 October 2002 by the WPCA President. There were 13 members present.

Minutes from the November 2001 Annual Meeting were read by Mary Jo Yglesias and accepted as read.


  • As approved at the 2001 Community Meeting, community paths were resurfaced for a total cost of $750.
  • The retyping of the Community By-Laws and Covenants is still in progress; decision was made to continue until completed. However, if the new board agrees to propose new Community By-Laws and Covenants, the sum of $2000 is still reserved to pay for any legal advise that might be required. This sum was originally approved during the 2001 Annual Meeting.
  • The County sidewalk project to extend the existing sidewalk on Sideburn to Braddock Road is still active and on the County's list of projects to complete per Sharon Bulova's office.


  • Treasurer's report was read by Kim Bloomquist. No new projects are anticipated for next year and dues will remain at the current levels. The budget was approved as presented.
  • Community sidewalks. The Board was asked to coordinate with VDOT to inspect the Community sidewalks and make any repairs as necessary. Action will be taken to request VDOT assistance in this matter.
  • Robinson High School student parking. Issues surrounding RHS parking on Headly Court were presented. The possibility of Headly becoming a restricted parking zone (like Stallworth) was discussed. The Board has explored this possibility but concluded that per County guidance, the situation does not entitle Headly to be posted as a no parking zone. Additionally, at present there does not appear to be a parking problem. All residents are reminded that vehicles should not park within 10 feet of driveways or mailboxes. Violation is grounds to notify County police who are empowered to ticket offending vehicles. Additionally, residents are asked not to allow RHS students to cut through their property either to or from school. This constitutes trespassing and should not be tolerated.
  • A question was put forth on behalf of a Stallworth Court pipe stem resident concerning the Association's responsibility for trimming trees in the Common Area to provide clear line-of-sight for satellite dishes. Discussion ensued; no action was taken other than to empower the Board to consider such requests on a case-by-case basis.
  • Issue was raised regarding placing of trash items on the curb in anticipation of pick-up was discussed. It was noted that residents will place large items on the curb a week or more of the actual pick-up date. It was agreed that this constitutes public "eye sore". Residents are asked to limit the time that trash/bulk items are placed in public view prior to pick-up by trash haulers or charitable organizations to the bare minimum so as to not create an unsightly situation.
  • Issue of autos with expired tags was raised. According to County regulations, no auto may remain in a non-operational/unregistered state for more than 60 days. The County has informed the Board that such autos will be ticked and the owners has 60 days to remove the vehicle or register it.


Nomination for the new Association Board was presented and accepted. The new Board will be comprised of:

Kim Bloomquist, President
Alan Robb, Vice President
Jeff Peters, Secretary
John Yglesias, Treasurer
Irene Pierce, Member-at-Large
Ken Burns, Architectural Committee Chairman

Effective date of transfer of duties is December 1, 2002.

The Association appreciates the dedication of all residents willing to serve on the WPCA Board and extends its thanks to the current and future Board.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:29PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Jo Yglesias
WPCA Secretary
15 November 2002

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 1 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.