2003 Annual Meeting Minutes

The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 7:05 p.m. on 22 October, 2003 by President Kim Bloomquist.

Minutes from the October 2002 Annual Meeting were read by Secretary Jeff Peters. A motion to accept was made by Irene Pierce, seconded, and passed.


Treasurer's report was presented by Treasurer John Yglesias.

  • There was one unexpected liability this past year-a tree in the common area needed to be removed by Blue Sky Landscaping ($700).
  • All dues were collected, but there were more late penalties assessed than usual.
  • Insurance has gone up, as has maintenance.
  • Next year, if we incur any unexpected expenses, we will run a deficit.

A member moved to accept the report. The motion was seconded and passed.


  • There was discussion about raising dues, given the possibility of deficit spending in the upcoming year. It was decided that since we have such a large reserve, we will not raise dues until our projected budget exceeds our projected income.
  • We will look into getting free web space for a WPCA Web site once the covenants are available digitally (so they can be posted).
  • The county did come and inspect the neighborhood sidewalks and found them to be without issue.
  • Members were asked to remind their neighbors to trim trees and bushes that overhang sidewalks so that pedestrians can travel them unimpeded.
  • A homeowner has asked again about the possibility of the Community Association paying to trim back some common area trees that are affecting the homeowner's satellite dish reception. Kim has invited the homeowner to make a presentation to the board but such a request has not been made yet.


  • Home sales were decent this year.
  • We do not believe we have legal liability problems as were outlined in a recent Kings Park West Citizens Association newsletter.
  • Election of officers for 2004: All current officers are willing to serve another year, but we will be looking for members to replace them for 2005. The following slate was accepted and reelected: President: Kim Bloomquist, Vice President: Alan Robb, Secretary: Jeff Peters, Treasurer: John Yglesias, Member-at-Large: Irene Pierce, and Architectural Committee Chairman: Ken Burns
  • There was some concern about the possibility of common area trees falling and damaging homeowner property, and it was suggested that the WPCA have an arborist evaluate the trees. Kim Bloomquist will look into the possibility of having a county arborist out.
  • The Architectural Control Committee reminded members that they need to request permission before making any visible changes to their yards, such as putting up or modifying fences, sheds or additions.
  • Concern was expressed about the lack of crows in the neighborhood recently. It's not that anyone minds the quiet, but there was concern about the lack of crows reflecting the effects of West Nile virus. However, no one has noticed any dead crows.

There was a motion to adjourn, which was seconded and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Peters
WPCA Secretary
17 November 2003

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 1 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.