2007 Annual Meeting Minutes
The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on 14 November 2007 by the President Karl Kraus.
Members in attendance were Dan Clark, Cyndy Unwin, Ken Burns, Irene Pierce, John Yglesias, Karl Kraus, and 11 others.
The minutes from the October 17, 2006 meeting were read by Dan Clark. Irene Pierce moved to accept the minutes into the record, and the motion was seconded.
Treasurer's report was presented by Treasurer John Yglesias. The report shows the proposed 2008 budget, which includes no dues increase.
- As of tonight (11/14/2007), there were no delinquent dues, however the collection process was harder than it should be. There was a short discussion about how to make the (unpaid) board's job of collecting the dues easier; no conclusions were reached.
- We had a good year - no trees brought down by storms, no emergency expenses. John suggested, and those present agreed, to keep the same dues for the coming year to build our account back up after last year. If we have another good year, we'll have money to pay for a needed resurfacing on the asphalt path by the playground.
Karl asked for any final comments about the budget; there were none. The budget was proposed for adoption by Cyndy Unwin, seconded and passed without dissent.
- Karl brought up the GMU sign that was discussed last year. No new action will be taken, unless one of the WPCA residents would like to lead a new effort.
- Last year, Lenny Cleveland, the director of security at Robinson Secondary, requested that we clear some brush between our common area and the Robinson access road to allow better visibility. (Robinson is responsible for the kids' safety on their way to and from school, so they patrol this area during the day). Karl called Mr. Cleveland to follow up: there have been two drug arrests this year in the common area, and things have quieted down as a result. Also they are happy with the brush clearing we did last year.
- Karl reported that a few trees were removed in the common area because they were threatening one of our WPCA houses. If you live along the common area, and feel that one of the trees in the common area is dying, please let the board know and we will evaluate it.
- Several residents expressed concern about the interchange at Sideburn and Braddock Rd - i.e. when you are driving on Sideburn towards GMU, turning right onto Braddock with a green light, do you need to yield the right-of-way to the traffic coming out of GMU? A member took the action to check and will report back to one of the board.
- A member inquired as to the cost savings by not taking care of the common area, and possibly removing the playground equipment. The Association currently pays about $500 for insurance and about $1500 for mowing services. There was some discussion about this, however any action we took would have to be voted on.
- There was discussion about the home construction project on 10406 Stallworth; Karl has heard comments that the house is much larger than the others in the neighborhood. Architectural Chair Ken Burns provided an account of the history behind the renovations to the house at 10406 Stallworth. Prior to the start of renovations Ken was provided with architectural drawings of the proposed construction. He shared these drawings with other Board members for their review. The proposed construction was unanimously approved prior to the start of construction. The reviewers were aware that the house would be higher than the adjacent houses but that it would still fit in with the overall appearance of the neighborhood. Ken stated that he felt that the steeper pitch of the new roof accentuated the height difference. Ken added that the house follows all codes for height and distance from the property lines. The Committee and Board will continue to review plans prior to the start of construction and will ask for further details if warranted.
- Karl requested that all residents try to keep the front of their houses as neat as possible, trim vegetation, and shovel snow promptly.
After some discussion, the following slate was proposed and passed:
Karl Kraus, President
Cyndy Unwin, Vice President
Dan Clark, Secretary
John Yglesias, Treasurer
Irene Pierce, Member-at-Large
Ken Burns, Architectural Chair
There was a motion to adjourn, which was seconded and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Clark
WPCA Secretary
5 January 2008
Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 13 November 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.