2009 Annual Meeting Minutes

The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 7:07 p.m. on 29 October 2009 by President Karl Kraus.

Attendees: Dan Clark, Cyndy Unwin, Irene Pierce, Ken Burns, Helen B., Karl Kraus, and 17 others.


Cyndy Unwin read last year's minutes. There was a motion to accept the minutes, which was seconded and passed.


The treasurer's report was presented by Dan Clark. Highlights included:

  • No dues increase
  • Less gain on CDs, as was expected because of the economic downturn
  • Funding is included in the proposed budget for path resurfacing
  • Funding is included in the proposed budget for removal of fallen trees in the common area
  • Insurance went up by $40 for "dishonest employee" coverage (mandatory increase by insurance company)
  • Legal coverage still included in proposed budget
  • WPCA has a deficit budget on paper, but we usually don't use all of the money budgeted; in reality, we typically operate in the black
  • Residents of 10429 Headly did work on their part of the driveway and were reimbursed from the pipe stem escrow account pursuant to the WPCA covenants
  • We will more than likely have the path resurfaced this year; Blue Sky typically does this for us; A member will give additional names to solicit more bids

There was a motion to accept the treasurer's report, which was seconded and passed.


The 2010 slate of officers was presented. There was a motion to accept, which was seconded and passed.

Karl Kraus, President
Barbara Alexander, Vice President
Cyndy Unwin, Secretary
Dan Clark, Treasurer
Irene Pierce, Member-at-Large


HEADLY PARKING CONGESTION: One of the residents from Headly objected to the boat and the cars being parked along the road at the curve. Backing out from her driveway is extremely difficult, and she has almost gotten hit a couple of times. Other residents in attendance at the meeting agreed that there is a significant safety issue along that section of Headly, particularly with regard to the boat, which makes it impossible to see cars coming from the opposite direction. The neighborhood association could attempt to change the neighborhood covenants regarding boat parking along the street; it would require a 75% approval to pass. A member volunteered to be on a committee to look at drafting a proposal to change the covenants. Before we take that step, Karl will ask Supervisor Cook's office about the safety issue, to see if the county can do anything. In the meantime, please show consideration for your neighbors by not parking directly across from driveways and consider removing vehicles from the road that pose safety risks.


KPWCA: Karl encouraged our active participation in the KPWCA (Kings Park West Civic Association), of which Tony Vellucci is President. Karl suggested that a member of our association volunteer for one of the at-large positions in their organization when one opens up again.

GMU TRAFFIC: Karl wrote to Supervisor Cook about the traffic coming out of GMU and the pedestrian crossings at Sideburn and Roberts. There is a new GMU pedestrian access point at Roberts and Braddock Road, which is increasing pedestrian traffic there. Karl asked Supervisor Cook to consider a protected pedestrian crossing (red lights both ways) at each of these intersections and a requirement for traffic to stay in the left lane when turning out of the University at Sideburn onto Braddock Road. Residents have noted more pedestrians crossing Braddock; everyone is encouraged to use care when turning at these lights. There was also a concern noted about the cars parking on Sideburn as the road approaches Braddock. This interferes with cars turning right onto Braddock and causes traffic to back up. GMU continues to grow and is increasing the number of access points. They are looking into overpass possibilities, but that's years down the road. The Association will continue to communicate these concerns to our District Supervisor.

HEADLY AND STALLWORTH TRAFFIC: Residents are continuing to speed along these two streets. It's not always just the teenagers. Please slow down!!!!! Stop at the stop sign at Headly!


  • A member brought pictures of the Dominion Power substation area adjacent to her house. She had concerns about the brush and the fallen/cut trees in the area. These are a fire hazard and unsightly. Multiple calls have been made to Dominion Power over the last year. The Association will send Dominion a letter requesting the clearing of the brush.
  • The light on Headly by the pipe stem still isn't working properly, even though Dominion Power came out to make repairs in July/August. Karl sent another note to Dominion on 10/28/09.

TRASH RATES: This was not discussed at the meeting, but the Board felt it would be helpful for residents to know that AAA has added a fee to its rates. The quarterly cost to WPCA residents is now $79.99 ($69.99 base rate, plus a $10 environmental fee). Residents using American Disposal are paying $75.00 for their quarterly rates.

There was a motion to adjourn, which was seconded and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Cyndy Unwin
WPCA Secretary

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 10 November 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.