2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

The WPCA annual meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on 29 October 2019 by president Jim Emery.

Those in attendance were: Jim Emery, Ken Burns, Dan Clark, Mike Yang, Jeff Peters, Mike Cleary, Pandu Balaram, Cindy Sanzotta, Siyoung Lee, and 9 others.


President Jim Emery welcomed the attendees and gave a brief overview of the requirement for, and process of, the Annual Meeting.


Secretary Cindy Sanzotta read the minutes of the WPCA annual meeting of 8 November 2018. A motion was made to approve the minutes as read, seconded, and passed unanimously.


Treasurer Dan Clark reported the status of WPCA financials for 2019 and presented the proposed 2020 budget (attached).

Dan started with the oft-heard question, "Why do we raise our assessments every year?" The answer is that we need to do so to satisfy our reserve commitments. The Board may recommend an increase of annual assessments of up to 10% without a vote of the membership according to Article IV, Section 3(a) of our Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Presently, we would need to raise our annual assessments by close to $30 (39%) to cover all of our obligations and maintain money in the bank for emergencies. The Board has chosen to only recommend an increase in annual assessments of $7 to $84 in 2020 to restrict the assessment increase to 9.09%.

We run a "deficit" budget, meaning that we take in less than we need. Budgeted amounts may not be fully expended, but we must account for them and restrict our spending within each budget category to no more than the fully budgeted amount each year. Past deficits have been about $1,000 a year, but are becoming less and less as the annual assessment amounts have been increased.

All assessment and escrow amounts were collected for 2019.

Tree maintenance was over budget this year. We had one particularly large tree that was dead and had to be taken down. We spent $350 over budget for all tree work. JL Tree Service, Inc. allowed us to postpone paying their bill for the amount that was beyond our 2019 tree budget assuming the Association's members would approve an increase in the 2019 budget to cover the work. A motion was made to allow for the payment of the additional $350 for the 2019 tree work, seconded and passed unanimously.

Discussion ensued about past tree expenses. This year was the most expensive by far. Discussion also occurred about what constitutes our common area as contrasted with Fairfax County's right of way, and how we decide what trees have to come down. President Emery explained that when a WPCA resident reports a common area tree as a concern, the Association has to take action, if warranted. If there is no report to WPCA and a common area tree falls on a property, the damage, if any, is the property owner's responsibility.

Attendees also asked about the cost for tree maintenance and if JL Tree Service, Inc. was still the best service. President Emery noted that we have had a long-standing relationship with JL Tree Service, Inc. They have been economical and willing to work with us, as in this year's delay of payment of $350. He also noted they have an arborist on staff who helps us review when trees must come down or be trimmed. Vice president Mike Yang volunteered to review other options and get quotes to assure the Association is getting the best price for tree work. Jeff Peters discussed a previous contract under his tenure as WPCA president where there were issues with getting the work completed by another firm. Jeff noted how responsive and helpful JL Tree Service, Inc. has been. President Emery noted that it is also important that the tree company be licensed, bonded, and insured.

Discussion then moved to the Common Area Maintenance-Contract budget line. We contract with Blue Sky Landscaping, LLC to mow our common area grass and mulch the playground area. The contracted price is increasing, as noted in the budget.

The 2019 Financial Report and Proposed 2020 Budget reflects a breakout of the Savings Accounts to better display Total WPCA Assets. Attendees asked about the pipe steam savings and President Emery explained how these escrow accounts are used. If maintenance must be performed on a pipe stem driveway, residents of the pipe stem need to talk to President Emery to initiate the work. The escrow amounts in savings will not cover extensive work, so a special assessment probably would be required of pipe stem homeowners to pay for any delta cost over the escrow amount available.

A member asked how he could see the WPCA By-Laws. President Emery explained they are available on the kpwwpca.org website (http://kpwwpca.org/wpca/documents/bylaws.html).

The projected deficit for 2020, though smaller than last year, continues to be driven by common area tree maintenance. A motion was made to approve the 2020 budget including an increase in the annual assessment to $84, was seconded, and passed unanimously.


President Jim Emery opened the floor for nominations for any of the Board positions. Ken Burns noted that the Board could use new blood since so many have served for so long. It was also noted that the position of president has more responsibilities with changes made in recent years by the Commonwealth of Virginia, so being a retired person is an advantage for that office. Siyoung Lee volunteered for the Member At-Large position. The slate of officers for 2020 are:

  • President: Jim Emery
  • Vice President: Mike Yang
  • Secretary: Cindy Sanzotta
  • Treasurer: Dan Clark
  • Member At-Large: Siyoung Lee

A motion was made to accept this slate of officers, seconded, and passed unanimously.

Ken Burns, Mike Cleary, and Pandu Balaram were appointed to serve an additional one-year term on the Architectural Control Committee for the next year.

Jim Emery will continue serving as the Webmaster for the Association's website.


Formal Complaint Policy. President Jim Emery reminded the members of the formal complaint policy and process that was established in 2012. He presented a summary of the process that is detailed in the Complaint Policy on the Association's website. You can send a formal complaint by email, but you must attach the specified form and follow the rules on how to lodge a formal complaint. You cannot complain about your neighbors, what they do or don't do; you can only complain if the Board is not doing its job.

Parking and Speeding. One of the members, following up on comments from last year's annual meeting, complemented the young families in the neighborhood for their adherence to good road safety. Children have been very aware and careful on our streets. Good job all!


Architectural Control. WPCA relies on its members being good neighbors and respecting everyone else. Several members have not sought pre-approval of the Architectural Control Committee as required by Article V our Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions before initiating exterior modifications. Please follow the agreed upon rules listed in Exhibit I of our Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Protective Covenants and Restrictions). Before modifying the outside of your property, including painting your house a different color, seek approval from the Architectural Control Committee. Questions were asked about how well informed the residents are about the architectural control requirements. President Emery explained that every new owner receives a Disclosure Packet with a full set of all of the governing documents of the Association. This Disclosure Packet must be provided to all new WPCA members pursuant to the Virginia Property Owners' Association Act, § 55.1-1809 of the Code of Virginia. Recent new WPCA members acknowledged that they had received this information. All WPCA members should be aware of the rules. However it doesn't hurt to remind all of our members. The Association's governing documents may be accessed from the document links listed on the WPCA website at kpwwpca.org/wpca/documents/govindex.html.

Chili Cook-Off. President Emery recognized Mike Yang for organizing and running the Chili Cook-off on 27 October 2019. It was a great success.

At 8:16 p.m., a motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Sanzotta
WPCA Secretary

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 8 November 2019. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.