Board of Director's Meeting Minutes

A special meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order on 10 May 2012 at 7:30 pm to review an Eagle Scout proposal as well any other business. Present were Jim Emery, Dan Clark, Lauren Crum, and Jeff Peters (arrived later) plus the prospective Eagle Scout and one of his adult scout leaders.

The minutes of the special board meeting of 27 January 2012 were read by secretary Dan Clark. A motion was made to accept. The minutes were approved as read.

Special Business

The board then heard the main subject for the meeting, the Eagle Scout project proposal for maintenance and repairs to the WPCA community playground. The scout adult leader explained the new format for proposing. The new format is less detailed that the traditional proposal and thus allows for easier adjustment, if necessary. The scout's proposal included comprehensive details of the improvement work to be done on the playground and included a budget of $518. To save money, he will not plan to replace the hardware in the bench and picnic tables, but will reserve final judgment until he sees what condition they are in. He also had budgeted for ladder rental, but the board noted that some homeowners may be able to provide ladders at no cost to the scout team. Lauren wanted to confirm that the approved budget had enough funds to cover the proposed expenses, and Jim verified that $1,375 was allocated for common area painting and wood replacement. Jim asked for a vote on the scout's proposal; all present voted to approve and to get started. Lauren's husband will be the Project Beneficiary Representative, and will sign off on the work when successfully completed. The scout and scout leader then left the meeting.

Treasurer's Report

Lauren and Dan reported that the treasurer's books and accounts had all been successfully transferred to Lauren. She noted there were only two outstanding dues payments and that both were expected to be resolved soon.

New Business

On the subject of resurfacing the walkway through the woods, Lauren requested time to obtain at least one more bid for the work.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Clark

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 29 June 2012. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president,