Board of Director's Meeting Minutes

The WPCA Board of Directors held a special meeting on September 21, 2015 at President Jim Emery's home, beginning at 7:35 p.m.

Attendees: Jim Emery, Michael Yang, Jose Frias, Jeff Peters, and Lauren Crum.

Reading of the Minutes of the Last Meeting

Jose Frias read the minutes of the 16 September 2014 WPCA Board of Directors meeting. The minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer's Report

Lauren Crum reported our finances are in good shape. All dues were collected on time. There were no major tree related incidents. The cost for our Community Association Registration went down this year. The path is in good shape for another year. The Board of Directors voted to maintain the same dues amount ($60 annually).

New Business

Annual Meeting. Our annual meeting will take place at the Oak View Elementary School Cafeteria on Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Notices will be hand-delivered or mailed to all members of the Association, as required by law.

The agenda for the meeting will be: the treasurer's report and the election of officers. Every board member said they will re-run for office.

Reserve Study. Jim informed that the board will be working next year on the redo of the Reserve Study for 2017.

Home Sales. There were 3 homes sold since last year.

Trailer Complaint. The Board of Directors heard of a complaint about a trailer parked on Stallworth Ct. The issue was discussed and debated. It was decided to take no action on this matter.

Block Party. Board members Lauren Crum and Michael Yang announced a plan to hold a block party for our neighborhood, to take place in the Headly Court cul-de-sac on Sunday, October 11, from 4-7 p.m. Members will be notified via email.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jose Frias
WPCA Secretary