Official Use Email Policy
The West Park Community Association (WPCA) members need an official electronic mail (email) communication channel to the Board of Directors and standing committees. Likewise, the Board of Directors and standing committees require an email communications channel to WPCA members and external parties in order to conduct official WPCA business. The WPCA Board of Directors and standing committee members wish to avoid use of private email accounts for WPCA communications that might be construed as being personal rather than official WPCA communications. Therefore, the WPCA Board of Directors has created and adopted this WPCA official use email policy.
All email correspondence that is related in any way to WPCA official business shall be addressed only to WPCA email accounts. WPCA shall not provide the personal email addresses of any member of the Board of Directors or of standing committees to facilitate the conduct of WPCA official business.
When any member of the WPCA Board of Directors or of a standing committee responds by email concerning an official WPCA matter, the responding email shall be transmitted only from an official WPCA email account. All such emails shall be addressed to include a carbon copy (cc) to all members of the Board of Directors that are not already addressees in the responding email. The response shall include quotation of the original email, if any, that generated the need for the official response. If the email responds to a telephone or face-to-face query, the responding email shall summarize the question or issue that is the basis for the need to respond in order to provide the context for the response.
The WPCA Board of Directors and members of standing committees may use their personal email accounts, at their discretion, to correspond with other Board members and members of standing committees. However, it is understood that the Board of Directors shall maintain compliance with § 55-510.1 of the Virginia Property Owners Association Act. The Board of Directors shall not make any decisions by voting outside of open meetings. Any discussions among a quorum of Directors during emailing shall subsequently be summarized at a meeting of the Board of Directors when the relevant issue shall be placed on the agenda for discussion and decision.
By: James D. Emery, Jr., President, 29 November 2010