2015 Annual Meeting Minutes
The Annual Meeting of the West Park Community Association was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on 29 October 2015.
Attendees: Jim Emery, Ken Burns, Jose Frias, Jeff Peters, and seven others.
The minutes of the WPCA annual meeting of 22 October 2014 were read by president Jim Emery and unanimously approved as read.
Treasurer Lauren Crum reported the status of WPCA financials for 2015 and presented the proposed 2016 budget (attached).
We did have some tree work that was necessary this year. It was not necessary to spend any of the budget for legal fees.
The proposed budget involves a slight deficit, but hopefully we won't have to spend in all the line items and we won't really run a deficit.
At this time, the board of directors does not feel increasing the annual assessment is necessary.
The board would like to rename the "Common Area Maintenance - Trees" line item to "Common Area Maintenance - Trees/Other" to account for expenditures other than on trees (such as materials to support an Eagle Scout project). A motion was made to rename this line item. It was seconded and passed.
A motion was made to accept the treasurer's report including the 2016 budget. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. This resulted in the approved 2015 and 2016 budgets.
The current slate of officers offered to serve in 2016 including:
- President: Jim Emery
- Vice President: Mike Yang
- Secretary: Jose Frias
- Treasurer: Lauren Crum
- Member At-Large: Jeff Peters
A motion was made to accept this slate of officers, seconded, and passed unanimously.
Ken Burns, Mike Cleary, and Pandu Balaram were appointed to serve a one-year term on the Architectural Control Committee for the next year.
Formal Complaint Policy. President Jim Emery reminded the members of the formal complaint policy and process that was established in 2012. He presented a summary of the process that is detailed in the Complaint Policy on the Association's website.
Eagle Scout Project. A resident, who is in Boy Scouts, has sought approval of the WPCA to perform an Eagle Scout service project in our common area. He has proposed to:
- Clean up trash
- Clean out the drainage culverts
- Replace timbers surrounding the playground
- Replace the stairs leading up to the Robinson access road
- Lay gravel on either side of the asphalt path where water tends to cause path erosion
The scout will supply the labor, and has asked for the WPCA to cover the cost of materials for the project, which he estimates at less than $330.
There was some discussion about if having the stairs to the playground from the school road in working order promoted out-of-hours use of the playground by teenagers, but the consensus was that a lack of decent stairs would not deter the teens anyway.
Jim Emery will speak to Robinson administrators about the stairs, as some of them may be on Fairfax County Public Schools property.
A motion was made to move unused budgeted funds for 2015 legal fees to the new "Common Area Maintenance - Trees/Other" budget line item to make funds available to cover the costs of the proposed project. The motion was seconded, and passed unanimously.
Robinson Access Path Trash Receptacle. Much trash is left at the bottom of the Fairfax County Public Schools path going from Stallworth Ct. to the Robinson access road. Jim Emery will speak to Robinson administrators to see if they would be willing to place a trash can there.
Tree Issues. Several members reported trees that appeared to be damaged and require removal. Jim Emery will take a look at them and get estimates for removal if needed.
At 7:32 p.m., a motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Peters
WPCA Member At-Large
30 October 2015
Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 31 October 2015. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president, president@kpwwpca.org.