Board of Director's Meeting Minutes

A special meeting of the West Park Community Association Board of Directors was called to order on June 29, 2012 at 8:00 pm to review the completion status of the Eagle Scout project in the common area as well as any other business. Present were the prospective Eagle Scout, Jim Emery, Dan Clark, and Steve Beltz.

Special Business

The prospective Eagle Scout showed photographs of before and after the playground project was finished and described the work that was done. He had originally proposed to reuse the original bench and picnic table hardware, but ended up replacing everything due to their bad condition. Due to savings in other areas, the job was completed slightly under the budgeted $518. Both Jim and Steve had visited the playground after the work was done, and both vouched for the excellent job done. All Board members present agreed that the project had been successfully completed. Jim signed off on the Eagle Scout project completion form. The prospective Eagle Scout then left the meeting.

Reading of the Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the special board meeting of 10 May 2012 were read by secretary Dan Clark. A motion was made to accept. The minutes were approved as read.

Other Business

Dan reported that one of the two outstanding dues payments had been mailed to him instead of Lauren. However, the payment was $5 short. This amount plus only one remaining invoice remains to be collected.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Dan Clark

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 9 July 2012. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president,