Board of Director's Meeting Minutes

The WPCA Board of Directors held a special meeting on September 22, 2016 at President Jim Emery's home, beginning at 7:07 p.m.

Attendees: Jim Emery, Michael Yang, Jeff Peters, Lauren Crum, and Ken Burns.

Reading of the Minutes of the Last Meeting

President Jim Emery read the minutes of the 11 September 2015 WPCA Board of Directors meeting. The minutes were approved as read.

Reserve Study

The draft edition of the Reserve Study for 2017 was discussed. It was noted that the annual reserve contribution should be increased, but that reserve funding is currently very adequate at 95.9%. Treasurer Lauren Crum reported on her analysis that the reserve contribution has averaged $981.33, less than the $1,400.00 called for in the Reserve Study of 2012. The Board concluded it would be prudent to increase the annual assessments to $65.00 in light of the need to get closer to a $1,650.00 annual reserve contribution for 2017 in accordance with the 2017 Reserve Study. The Board approved the 2017 Reserve Study through Board Decision No. 2016-001.

Treasurer's Report

Treasurer Lauren Crum provided a statement of the Association's finances and the proposed budget for 2017 reflecting funding for common area maintenance including painting the playground equipment and repairing the asphalt path, items covered by the Reserve Study. All dues were collected in 2016. The tree work is only moderate this year, so far. The cost for our Community Association Registration was discounted again this year, but should return to normal in 2017. The Board confirmed that the budget prepared for the annual meeting should reflect an increase in assessments to $65.00 annually.

New Business

Annual Meeting. Our annual meeting will take place at the Oak View Elementary School Cafeteria on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. Notices will be hand-delivered or mailed to all members of the Association, as required by law.

The agenda for the meeting will be: the treasurer's report and the election of officers. Lauren Crum suggested that her husband be elected the treasurer to relieve her workload. This was discussed extensively with the agreement that Lauren should remain the treasurer with her husband assisting her in any way that he can without serving in an official capacity. The Board also agreed that a new secretary should be elected because the current secretary has been unable to attend meetings as often as needed. The remaining officers offered to stand for election again at the annual meeting in October 2016.

Stallworth Pipestem Basketball Hoop Nuisance. President Jim Emery received an informal complaint from a homeowner living on the Stallworth Court pipestem about a basketball hoop considered to be a nuisance. The president referred this issue to the Architectural Control Committee. Ken Burns, representing the Architectural Control Committee, confirmed that the Committee agreed that the basketball hoop was a nuisance. However, subsequent additional information about the situation was obtained by the president from the owner of the basketball hoop concerning property easements. The Board reached agreement with the Architectural Control Committee that the most prudent course of action was to refer this matter to be resolved directly between the homeowners on the Stallworth Court pipestem rather than through pursuing enforcement of the covenants and restrictions by the Association. This decision was taken through Board Decision No. 2016-002. The president agreed to inform the homeowners of the Board's decision in this matter.

Headly Court Pipestem Driveway and Sidewalk Repair. The president advised the Board of his actions with Fairfax County and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to a schedule a repair of the Headly Court Pipestem Driveway and adjacent sidewalk. The damage has been caused by water erosion. A dangerous hole now exists by the driveway and the driveway is cracking and collapsing into the hole. Fairfax County reviewed the site and confirmed that it has no responsibility for the repair, but indicated that VDOT probably would be responsible to make the repair. VDOT has not addressed the president's request yet.

Block Party. Vice president Michael Yang confirmed a plan to hold a block party for our neighborhood, to take place in the Stallworth Court cul-de-sac on Saturday, October 8th, from 4-7 p.m. Members have been notified via email.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
James D. Emery, Jr.
WPCA President