Board of Director's Meeting Minutes

A special meeting of the West Park Community Association Board of Directors was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on 29 November 2010 by President Jim Emery.

Present were the five board members: Jim Emery, Steve Beltz, Faye Kraus, Dan Clark, Jeff Peters; and four additional homeowners.

New Business

1. Privacy Policy

A copy of the privacy policy was presented and discussed. Consensus was that a policy was needed in order to protect personal information of all WPCA owners and residents.

A question was raised as to the ability to vote on a policy at a Board meeting as opposed to a general meeting. It was agreed that because advance notice of this meeting was made to all homeowners, and that no changes to the covenants or by-laws were to be made, the Board could introduce a policy.

Adjustments to the draft policy were as follows:

  • Personal Information - Information would be collected from homeowners only and not renters
  • Website - First paragraph re-worded to reflect the fact that the WPCA website information is accessible to the public. Homeowner names shall not be used on the website, except Board or Committee members.
  • E-mail communications - Notification would be made to all homeowners of the date, time and location of all annual and special membership meetings by mail or by hand-delivered paper notice rather than email

Policy, as amended, was voted on and passed. [See the resolution and vote.]

2. Email Policy

The email policy was accepted as written. [See the resolution and vote.]

3. Parking District Survey Resolution

Discussion ensued regarding requirements for a petition plus $10.00 per household. The Board agreed that circulating a non-binding e-mail survey over the next month could help determine the interest in this issue. Goal would be to complete the email survey by Dec. 31, 2010 and then determine best course of action. [See the resolution and vote.]

4. Budget resolution 2010 for Webhost

At the 2010 WPCA annual meeting, $100 dollars was requested for webhosting. The new President was able to set up the site for 12 months at a cost of $59.40. The Board agreed to reimburse the President for this amount. [See the resolution and vote.]

5. Use of Blue Sky Landscaping for Snowplowing

Treasurer discussed Blue Sky's estimates for plowing in 2010/2011; estimated cost would be $300 per year (approx $125 per hour) for both Headly and Stallworth Courts, with fees to be paid in advance of snow events for the year.

Discussion ensued regarding coverage of the pipe stems; Treasurer stated that he would look into the matter although it was recognized that the two pipe stems were private and not public roadways.

The Board felt more information was needed before any recommendations could be made and the matter was tabled.

With no further business, the President adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Faye Kraus
5 December 2010

Note: These minutes were edited in accordance with the WPCA Privacy Policy and were posted 11 December 2010. The full text of the official copy of the minutes may be reviewed or obtained by request by any WPCA member by contacting the WPCA president,